A One-Room Schoolhouse for the 21st Century
Montessori-inspired private school serving ages 3-12
Education Reimagined for the 21st Century
Acton Academy Kingwood is a Montessori-inspired private school that combines the old and new. We bring the one-room, community schoolhouse, that shaped and built America, into the 21st Century! Our mission is to educate the whole person and inspire everyone who comes through our doors to find a calling and change the world.
We are part of the Acton Academy network—a network of parent-entrepreneurs transforming education one school—and one individual—at a time.
We can’t wait to share it with you!
- Maria Montessori

Hey parents! We're in this together!
Like us, you are concerned about one of the most important decision you will make for your children's future, their education. They have unlimited potential, unique gifts and talents, and so much to offer the world if provided the right environment in which to grow.
We believe children are like a seed, filled with potential to become something beautiful and unique, and our school is a "garden" to help them reach their full potential. We don't "shape" young minds; we provide fertile soil, warmth, light, space, proper tools, and love, and young people flourish.
Schedule a TourHow is Acton Academy Kingwood turning learning upside down?

At Traditional
One teacher lectures to many students
Students memorize facts and figures
Students complete worksheets and busywork
High-stakes testing and report cards measure success
Adult authority figures make rules and enforce order
School is like a one-size-fits-all factory with bells, shifts, and supervisors

At Acton Academy
Young people lead n a multi-age, collaborative, self-paced environment where everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student
Young people build businesses, do hands-on projects and public exhibitions, and work at real-world apprenticeships
Young people learn, explore, create, and innovate, at their own pace with hands-on tools and technology
Setting and achieving challenging goals, working to achieve mastery, creating portfolios of excellent work, and applying their learning to the real world is how success is measured
Learners self-govern through a contract of commitments to each other
School is like a garden, where seeds of potential grow into unique and beautiful individuals
Experience how Acton is transforming education in this independent, award-winning documentary.

Watch the video.