The pinewood derby was first run in 1953 and adopted by Acton Academy Kingwood January 29, 2021.
Many lessons can be learned during a Pinewood Derby. Some of these lessons include the following:
It’s important to be a good loser – and a good winner
Take pride in a job well done
Success today, does not mean success tomorrow.
Do your research
Time management is critical
Helping someone else's project makes the competition better
The independence and other skills gained from those Pinewood Derby lessons help create a stronger person. The Pinewood Derby isn't about the trophy in the end. It's about creating a person who takes pride in his/her work and can do the work he/she needs going forward, whether in school or at work one day.
By the end of the day, every Eagle was a winner—if not in speed, then in sportsmanship, or creativity, or participation, or new knowledge gained. These lessons last longer than the car. Congratulations to our Eagles!!